Many coaches promote such an approach to training that it is necessary to do those exercises that are difficult, both physically and emotionally. The body resists for a reason, it is in these exercises […]
Gratitude. Powerful benefits and techniques
Gratitude is included in the list of the most universal tools for solving life’s difficulties. According to quantum physics, all the manifestations of this world are woven from one energy of different densities. Feelings are […]
Anxiety coping. 4 exercises that help
Anxiety, fear, irritation, depression live in the lumbosacral region. This area is associated with the passage of important energy channels and is responsible for life satisfaction. The Svadhisthana chakra or “pleasure center” is also located […]
Time management, how to keep up with everything?
Time management is a life strategy aimed at planning your goals and objectives so that you can effectively use your time, achieve results and at the same time stay in a healthy and calm state. […]
Difficulties in practicing meditation
The difficulties in practicing meditation happen to many beginners. This is absolutely normal, because you are trying to master a new skill for your body and mind, and it is always not easy. A lot […]
Attention is the key to success
Attention is the energy. This is the most important and basic rule related to your energy. If you paid attention to the fact that everything is bad for you, it means that you have given […]
Human energy. Learning the basics
Human energy is a subtle substance, which in yoga is called with the Sanskrit word “prana”. Prana permeates our entire body. According to such a yogic text as “Hatha Yoga Pradipika”, prana moves in our […]
Spiritual Teacher: Who is this?
Spiritual teacher is an ocean of knowledge. In this ocean, one student chooses stones, and the other chooses pearls, and this choice depends on the student. There are times when it seems that to solve […]
Spiritual Teacher. How to find your guru
Spiritual teacher is a guide on the path of self-knowledge. And the question of finding a teacher in many traditions is extremely important. Is the question of finding a guru relevant in the modern world? […]
Tension in the body: yoga as the art of relaxation
Tension can be a big obstacle to happiness and self-realization. Often we put a lot of effort to achieve a particular goal, but all the time we feel that despite all our efforts, we are […]