Anxiety coping. 4 exercises that help

Anxiety, fear, irritation, depression live in the lumbosacral region. This area is associated with the passage of important energy channels and is responsible for life satisfaction. The Svadhisthana chakra or “pleasure center” is also located here.

All the suppressed emotions, childhood traumas, experiences accumulate in this zone and over the years excite anxiety in a person, lead to panic attacks, depressive thoughts and a bad mood.

Most often these are spontaneous “storms”, but sometimes a person experiences so much (even unconsciously) that he completely blocks this center.

This bundle of exercises strongly affects the work of the lumbar region, where negative emotions live. This is the first level of our unbalanced energy.

Therefore, it is worth practicing these exercises in this order:

1. Bending to one leg from a standing position


2. Tilt to two legs from a sitting position.

3. Tilt to one leg from a sitting position.

4. The half-bridge pose.

These exercises have a beneficial effect on the internal organs, normalizing their work as much as possible.

The digestive and excretory systems fully restore their functions. Qualitatively improve the work of the reproductive organs.

Strengthen the muscles of the legs and glutes. There is a rejuvenation of the spine. Working on your own body, certainly in addition to physical benefits, you will feel the psychotherapeutic effect. Anxiety and irritability will pass. You will have confidence in your own abilities.

Provides an excellent stretch for the muscles and fascia of your entire back body, from your heels to the back of your head. In general, many of you will also find the poses soothing to your nervous system and quieting for your mind and emotions.

The exception to this that some of you who experience intense stretch sensations in your back body in the pose #2 due to muscle tightness may feel agitated instead. Two of our variations, however, can help even some of you stiffer people find a more peaceful experience.

You need to hold each position according to your own comfort. The best retention is from 1 to 3 minutes.

Deep breathing and holding attention in the lower back area, when performing exercises, will contribute to high-quality practice and the disclosure of the energy center (chakra).

I prescribe this poses for:

  • Improving flexibility in the spine, hips, hamstrings and calves 
  • Stimulating your digestive system 
  • Soothing your nervous system 
  • Quieting your mind 
  • Managing stress 
  • Reducing anxiety 
  • Improving insomnia 


Two vulnerable areas can potentially be aggravated or injured in these poses: the lower back and the starting point of the hamstrings near your sitting bones. Therefore, if you have lower back disc problems, lower back pain, or a torn hamstring tendon, you should avoid these poses altogether.