How testosterone works in your body
The name of the hormone comes from the term “testicles” (testicles). It’s the organ where the hormone is produced with the help of a special substrate – sterol.
In the normal functioning of the body, the production of testosterone is a well-established process. Hypothalamus – a part of the brain that controls the production of the hormone.
Every day, the male body produces about 7 mg of the hormone. But it does not accumulate in the testicles, but enters the blood, and therefore spreads throughout the body. Then testosterone is transformed into dihydrotestosterone, which is involved in the work of the genitals, muscles, and skin. It also takes part in the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
The hormone appears in the body of a male fetus at an early stage of a woman’s pregnancy. At 7-11 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo is already forming a sexual organ. If this hormone is not enough, the baby may be born with a small penis.
In the process of puberty of adolescents with the help of testosterone, the growth of body hair, mustaches, and genitals is ensured. It also awakens sexual desire and triggers the production of sperm.
Common myths about testosterone
1. Testosterone is associated with masculinity and aggression
Many people associate testosterone with sportsmen, athlets and those go to the gym a lot. In fact, the amount of testosteron has no any connection to a hobby or activity of a man.
Scientists have debunked the myth that the hormone is associated with aggression. Studies have not found a connection. It’s all about stereotypes. Society believes that the male sex is by nature more prone to hooliganism and aggression compared to the female sex.
2 The hormone affects the success of men
For many people, testosterone is associated with perseverance and determination. This opinion was also supported by science. At the beginning of the century, scientists believed that due to the presence of the Y chromosome and the predominance of one hemisphere of the brain over the other, men are easier to master the exact sciences and have a better chance of being successful.
According to new experiments, women are no less likely to successfully master the exact sciences and climb the career ladder.
If there is a trend that men are more likely than women to hold leadership positions, it is because of gender stereotypes.
3 Testosterone and sexual desire
Of course, the hormone is associated with libido, but its abundance and in general the presence does not mean that a man is ready to have sex 24/7.
Stressful situations and depressive states can neutralize the effect of testosterone, as a result of which men may have problems with erection and sexual desire.
4. There is no such thing as a lot of testosterone
There is an opinion – the more testosterone, the better. However, its increased amount can cause health problems. Excessive amounts of testosterone in the body can trigger sudden mood swings, bursts of aggression and sleep disorders. This condition, in turn, can lead to cravings for cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.
In addition, with increased testosterone, acne, hair loss and increased blood pressure are observed. There is also an increased risk of heart and vascular problems.
Are testosterone injections useful?
According to experts, it is highly undesirable to disrupt the natural process of hormone production (if it is without deviations from the norm). There will be more harm to your health than the imaginary benefits.
The body is prone to self-regulation, including the production of hormones. If there are no deviations from the norm and unpleasant symptoms, it is better not to interfere to avoid unpleasant consequences.