What is a panic attack?
A panic attack is a neurotic anxiety disorder associated with stress. In a panic attack, a person experiences a sudden, inexplicable and excruciating attack of fear, anxiety and / or panic, which is accompanied by the release of a significant amount of adrenaline into the blood.
The attack can last from 1-2 to 10-20 minutes.
Symptoms of a panic attack are :
Rapid pulse
Feeling of lack of air
Fear of going mad or committing an uncontrollable act
Visual or hearing impairment, etc.
The mechanism of development of a panic attack is a normal reaction of the body to stress, with one exception – a panic attack occurs without a stressful situation or as an inadequate reaction to minimal stress in the accompaniment of causeless fear, anxiety, panic.
What causes panick attack?
This can be either a hereditary component, or vegetative-vascular dystonia, a long-term or acute stress state, or mental illness.
The risk group for panic attacks includes workaholics, overly responsible people, people engaged in highly emotional strenuous work, combining high-intensity physical activity, people who use various drugs or simulators ( energy drinks, coffee, etc.).
How to cope with panick attack
If you notice a person with symptoms of a panic attack, or if the person asks for help, you should:
Take the person outside or provide fresh air.
Talk to a person in a calm voice.
Ask a person about their health, encourage them, but do not force them to answer.
Offer a drink of water. Water should be drunk slowly.
Give the person the impression of complete control over the situation. Speak calmly and confidently, smile.
How to prevent anxiety disorder
Treatment of panic attacks is carried out by medication and psychotherapeutic methods.
To prevent, reduce the intensity and frequency of panic attacks, practice all the things that are usually advised for a healthy lifestyle. Do not overload the nervous system, avoid overexertion, meditate, master all kinds of breathing and body practices. Work through your blocks, limitations, and traumatic situations in psychotherapy sessions.